Eco Homes: Green Features on a Grand Scale

With the right features and devices, your luxury home turns from green-living dream to fully envisioned eco-retreat.…

9 Types of Yoga Decoded: Which is Right for You?

Whether you crave a session with vigorous sweating or peaceful stretching, try your hand at one or more variations of…

Plan a Safe, Comfortable Move for Your Pets

Moving can be stressful and even dangerous for pets if their interests are not taken into consideration. When you're…

Getting Started Juicing: Choose The Right Juicer

Imagine sitting down and eating 2 pounds of produce ... not going to happen! But you can drink the nutrient equivalent…

How to Keep Calm During Moving Chaos

In the heat of moving, it may seem difficult to take time out for yourself. Take the dog for a walk or go to the gym…

7 Tips for Packing Up Your Kitchen

For many people, packing up the kitchen is especially tedious due to the amount of items and the fact that kitchens are…

Natural Remedies for Peace of Mind

Include many natural remedies in your diet and daily routine to help relieve stress and stave off anxiety. Even if you…

6 Foods That Protect Your Brain

You can keep your brain healthy by limiting foods high in saturated fat and refined sugar. Together with a diet rich in…